Saturday, May 15, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quotes - "Silence is Golden"

Since I had a busy day today, there was not much time for me to find a quote so I turned to one we all know.

Today's Quote is "Silence is Golden".

Yes, indeed it is! When I took a business law class in college, I learnt that in contract law, silence can also mean acceptance.

There are so many examples to give about silence.

When do I remain silent? If I know by speaking the situation will turn into a confrontation. It took me many years to figure this out and now I use it all the time.

We have all heard that you should not trust quiet people. Why? They listen carefully and remain silent. In this case, silence is golden for them but not for those of us who are left in the dark wondering what they are thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, but I can disagree.
    Silence to me is DEATHLY.
    I can't function wihtout noise/music.
    If I sit in a room without any noise whatsoever, I'll explode!
    But that's just me (or maybe I'm taking the quote too literally...) =)
