Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "The first step..."

What is the difference between a "quote" and a "quotation"? My definition is - a quote is collection of words (such as a saying) belonging to another person. A quote is also an amount stated when dealing with buying and selling a product or service. A quotation is the act of using a specific set of words said or recorded for illustration purposes and always requires quotation marks when in print.

Why the definitions above? Because sometimes a quotation can be misunderstood as a quote.

Today's quote is - "The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second is listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others". Author Solomon Ibn Gabriol.

Is there anything else to add to that quote? Not by me.

Do we know people that are considered wise; meaning that they have acquired wisdom? Yes we do. So if we analyze the quote, do we still think that these people fit bill of "wise"? Something to think about!

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