Friday, April 30, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "The Best Way to Prepare..."

The quote I promised to write about today will be done next week. I stumbled into another quote about preparation.

Today's quote is "The Best Way to Prepare for Life is to Begin to Live".

How many times have we told people "to get a life"? Why? Because they may have done something that was annoying or silly to you; or they may be doing nothing at all.

Negative people tend to look at life with a pessimistic view and refrain from doing certain things. Optimistic people, on the hand, take chances and experience life, they tend to have this aura that follows them every where they go.

Do you need to prepare for life? For certain events that will occur in our lives, yes! preparation is required.

My motto again is "Be Positive" and live your life to the fullest.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote "Life is a Big Canvas..."

There is not much to add about today's quote.

"Life is a Big Canvas, Throw all the Paint on It". Not my quote, but very original.

I say throw only paint that you want to be reflective of you.

We have all done little good deeds and have already "thrown our paint on the canvas" but there is always more to do.

Tomorrow's quote will be one to think about.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Judge Your Success..."

Another quote from my sister.

Today's quote is " Judge Your Success by What You Had to Give Up in Order to Get It".

This quote can be analyzed in different ways.

Some people achieve success without having to give up much.

Others, like me, had to give up quite a lot in order to achieve a little success.

When I attended college, I went at nights and weekends and also during the summer for four and half years while I also had a full-time job.

What did I give up? Missed family functions and other events that I have now forgotten.

Is there a value I can put on all the things I missed out on? No, but I look at it in terms of the sacrifices I had to make in order to get a college education.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "If You Want to Lift Up..."

Another quote from my niece.

Today's quote is "If You Want to Lift Up Yourself, Lift Up Someone Else".

So how do you do it? One way is to give to charity; the return on investment to you is priceless.

Whenever I hear my friends utter the words "I'm Depressed", I immediately jump into action and tell them to get that thought out of their heads. My advice to them is to focus on positive things that they are proud of. And, I give them some examples of things they have done and should be proud of.

How does this "Lift Me Up"? It give me the courage to deal with my own battles and stay focus on my goals rather than fall into a hole when I hit a hurdle.

My family and friends have been giving me quotes to write about and they tell they look forward to reading my blog.

I must be doing something good!

Thank you all.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - 'The More You Prepare..."

We all have or had nicknames at some point in our lives. My nickname means "I Prepare". What a standard to live up to!

Today's quote is "The More You Prepare, the Luckier You Appear". I found this quote on the internet.

So it is true? I know I like to be prepared whenever I have to go to a meeting and give a presentation. But I am not so sure that being prepared makes me appear lucky. What it means is that you took the time to do whatever was expected of you and more.

I know many of you have been to meetings where questions were raised and answers not provided because someone was not prepared.

How about when you have to take a skills test? We all have had to do this . Did more preparation makes us appear lucky? I would say little preparation and passing the test makes us appear lucky!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Open Your Arms to Change..."

My sister gave me this quote to write about.

Today's quote is - "Open Your Arms to Change, But Don't Let Go of Your Values".

I like this quote because we all need to embrace change at some point in our lives.

Do we know people who have changed and also let go of their values? Yes!

My observation is that wise people who embrace change accept it and don't let go of their values.

How do you hold onto your values? Distance yourself from every and anyone who tries to get you to change your values!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Great Success--- Great Struggles"

Yes, indeed it is a struggle to come up with a quote everyday. My niece gave me this one.

Today's quote is : "Great Success Does Not Come Without Great Struggle".

How true is this! If you speak to any entrepreneur, they will tell about the trials and tribulations they went through before achieving success.

Some people end up with great success while others don't. But nevertheless, there is usually a struggle involved while trying to achieve something great.

Are there people who achieve great things without a struggle? Absolutely! But these people usually have a strong force supporting them each step of the way.

Are you trying to achieve something great? If so, keep your eye on the goal and keep working at it no matter how tough things get; but always remember to be wise enough to seek and accept help when you need it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "I Put the Love in it"

Have you ever baked a cake for a fund raising event and when your friends or others eat it, they tell you how wonderful it taste? I am sure some of you have had that experience.

When asked for the recipe, how do we respond? "It was Baked with Love" or 'I Put the Love in it".

The secret ingredient is often revealed as "Love" when others compliment us on a task well done.

So is it true that "Love" made people like your cake? I saw yes!

For charity, we put that extra effort into whatever it is we are asked to do. While it maybe a duty for us to do it, Love makes us to it beautifully.

I modified this quote a little.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Nurture Your Soul"

My quote today is "Nurture Your Soul". We all hear these words at some time or another but how do you do it?

Here are a few suggestions from me:

1. Attend a church service.

2. Sing a song.

3. Play an instrument if you have one.

4. Call a friend to just to chat.

5. Take a walk on the beach or in the park,

6. Sit on a bench facing the sea, the ocean or any body of water.

7. Do yoga.

8. Meditate for a few minutes.

9. Give yourself permission to do nothing and just relax.

10. Try a new recipe.

11. Think Positive!

It is amazing how your mood will change once you give yourself permission to step away from your hectic routine and do something for fun just for you!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Shake Up Your Routine"

I read today's quote "Shake Up Your Routine" a few days ago either in the newspaper or a magazine.

We all hear about going outside your comfort zone. This is very true when you have to work in teams on a project with people you do not know.

How do you shake up your routine? By taking a step outside your comfort zone and doing something different. I did that when I decided it was time to go out there and start volunteering for various charities.

Charity work is great! I heard so many amazing stories from people about they life experiences which were all very touching.

I also met a few celebrities who were only a face on TV or a picture in a magazine before I decided to "Shake Up My Routine".

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "What's Luck Got To Do With It"

I modified Tina Turner's song into today quote - "What's Luck Got to To With It."

Sometimes, luck has everything to do with it; and other times luck has nothing to do with it.

At times we hear the expression "You Are Lucky". That maybe true depending on the circumstances. Other times, it is not so much luck but more so the timing of when the event takes place.

Games of chance, I have to say it is luck when you win. But how about when you get a new job? Is it luck? Some people will say yes and others will say no. I will say no! Why? because getting a job is no easy task as you have to compete with others to get it.

Do I consider myself lucky? Sometimes I do say luck was on my side, but other times when I accomplish something, I know it was not luck but hard work that got me that reward!

During a meeting today I heard someone say "Great Minds Think Alike". That was my quote from yesterday!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Great Minds Think Alike"

Most of us have heard today's quote which is "Great Minds Think Alike".

There is some truth to that. I think great minds do not always think alike but have different ideas which turn out to be great.

So what makes an idea great? Depends on who you ask!

I am sure many of us wake up every morning with tons of ideas but it is those who take the ideas and make something out of it are the ones we consider the "Great Minds".

Do I have a great idea? Yes, I do but it is a little far fetch. I have to put it to work before I can confirm that it was absolutely a "Great Idea" and then I can join the "Great Minds Think Alike" club.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Three Things to Bring..."

Once again I did not create this quote but saw a similar one in the newspapers.

Today's quote is more of question - "If you could bring three things to the moon, what would they be?

I will bring my laptop, my prayer book and my lipstick. Why?

My laptop to keep in touch with the world; my prayer book to remind me there is a higher force out there; and my lipstick because this is the one piece of make-up I can't live without.

Notice I did not write my cellphone or blackberry, or iPhone etc.

What would you bring? Definitely something to think about!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "The Happiest People..."

My quote today was given to me by someone from my support team.

It is - "The happiest people don't have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything."

How true is that statement? Many times we hear people say that they will "make do" with what they have. This does not mean that they are unhappy; it means that they recognize the limitations of a given situation and accept it in order to move forward.

My view is to be happy with what you have and do the best you can with it.

Tomorrow's quote will be a question to think about.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "We Become What We Think"

I struggled to come up with a quote for today so I asked for help.

Today's quote is - "We Become What We Think".

What does this mean? In a nut shell, if we think positive thoughts, then we seek to make positive things happen to us. Whereas if we think negatively, we don't see the bright side of things which at times can prevent us from growing.

My motto is - "Think Positive".

Thanks to my support team for today's quote.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Let There Be Peace"

I am amazed that I have actually managed to find quotes to write about.

Today's quote is "Let There Be Peace".

A few years ago, I volunteered to be a tutor to teach third grade Math. Sometimes I had four students and other times five. One day one of the students was not able to make the tutoring session and one my other students commented that it was so peaceful because this particular student was not in attendance. Why did she say that? Well, the student in question was very disruptive and it was difficult for the others to concentrate and do their work.

How did I handle the situation? I spoke to teacher and told her what was happening and ask not to have this student in my session. How did my other students react? They were very happy the student was not with us in sessions. They were able to use the little time they had with me to raise their concerns about areas in Math they were having trouble with. All my students passed their tests and went on to the fourth grade.

This was a valuable experience for me and I will never forgot the little girl that said those words to me.

We all want some kind of peace in our lives and we are entitled to it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Keep Up The Good Work"

My quote today is one we have all heard many times - "Keep Up The Good Work".

This quote was selected because I saw a similar one in a booklet I was scanning and it reminded me of the times when people often said "keep up the good job" to others.

When was the last time you heard someone say those words? For me, it was yesterday when I said those words to a complete stranger.

What do people say now? Don't know! But what I do know is that I do not hear it as often as I used to.

As a positive person, I say, seize the moment and always compliment others when they do a good job.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "I am Perfect Just as I am".

My daily quote today is "I am Perfect Just as I am".

Wow! What a loaded statement! No, I did not come up with this quote but modified it a little from a similar quote.

We all strive for perfection in some form or fashion. I know I do!

When do we strive to make something perfect? When that something has to leave us and go to someone else or be viewed by someone else.

Why do we want that something to be perfect? Because, whenever we do something and we are going to be judged by others, we go overboard to make sure that it is perfect. That product is a reflection of us and we want to be viewed positively.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "A Woman of Substance"

My quote today is "A Woman of Substance".

How do you define a woman of substance? I think the answer is a personal perspective.

Do I consider myself a woman of substance? Absolutely!

What we experience in our lives and how we handle the situations we face helps us to grow; sometimes we grow stronger and other times we become weak. But the key is to be strong and not falter.

Do you know a woman of substance? We all know many women of substance and we should praise them and also be positive about ourselves too!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote -" I Say A Little Prayer For You"

Today's quote, "I Say A Little Prayer For You" .

For those of us who saw the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" with Julia Roberts will remember when this song was sang.

Many times our friends or our love ones are facing a challenging situation, and we tell them that we will prayer for them but do we really say that prayer?

My view is that people who say their prayers everyday and more than once a day, are more likely to say that "little prayer" than someone who seldom say their prayers.

My two cents of an opinion is - say your prayers all the time and everyday. In this way, you do not forget to express your own thanks and you will definitely remember to ask a favor for your friends and love ones too!

Yes! I will be asking for favors for my friends in my prayers.

Three quotes in three days for this blog. Self praise - Amazing!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quotes - "You Light Up My Life"

Today's quote is "You Light Up My Life".

The quote is not original to me but was a very popular song back in the 1970's sung by Debbie Boone.

How many people can we count that have lighted up our lives at one time or another?

I have many to thank and always make it a point to do so and say so. Once more to all those who have opened windows for me when the doors were closed, thank you.

Please read my accounting blog at

Have a nice sunshine day!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quotes - "Sell Your Authenticity"

I started this blog to talk about every and anything. I did not know what to call the blog so I came with this for now until I find some inspiration in something else.

So what is my daily quote for today? "Sell Your Authenticity".

Well it is not my quote but a quote I read in a magazine. I like this! Why? A few weeks ago I was talking to a friend and she commented that she likes the fact that I am ethical (especially when it come to accounting which is my profession) and she added that people will respect me and it will become a brand for me. Wow! I truly appreciated the comments and was humbled by it.

I will try to post to this blog everyday as the title of the blog is "Diantie's Daily Quote".

Here is a link to my first blog which focuses on accounting topics.