Saturday, May 29, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Our friends should be ..."

Most of us have heard the saying that you are judged by the company you keep.

Today's quote is "Our friends should be companions who inspire us, who help us rise to our best". Author Joseph B. Wirthlin.

Yes, I totally agree with this quote. I recently told someone that she should surround herself with positive people who inspire and support her.

Why? Because I heard stories from her about people putting her down.

Your friends should definitely inspire you and if you are already inspired, then they should stand by you and support you when you trying to accomplish something.

Am I a friend who inspires? People have told me that I have inspired them but I do not think I fit the inspiration bill. I definitely encourage my friends to go after their dreams and support them in any way I can. Actually, I am doing that right now for someone and I hope she accomplishes her goal!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a godd friend to those that need my help
    but my friends aren't an 'inspiration' to me...
    but that's because my friends are weird, funny, adorable, stupid, cute, and crazy!
