Saturday, April 24, 2010

Diantie's Daily Quote - "Great Success--- Great Struggles"

Yes, indeed it is a struggle to come up with a quote everyday. My niece gave me this one.

Today's quote is : "Great Success Does Not Come Without Great Struggle".

How true is this! If you speak to any entrepreneur, they will tell about the trials and tribulations they went through before achieving success.

Some people end up with great success while others don't. But nevertheless, there is usually a struggle involved while trying to achieve something great.

Are there people who achieve great things without a struggle? Absolutely! But these people usually have a strong force supporting them each step of the way.

Are you trying to achieve something great? If so, keep your eye on the goal and keep working at it no matter how tough things get; but always remember to be wise enough to seek and accept help when you need it.

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