Sunshine and cold and yes, another severe snow storm on the way. The color for the lights on the Empire State Building tonight will be white.
Today's quote is "Time is what we want most, but we use worst." Author William Penn.
Absolutely. We all want more time. Time to do this, time to do that and right now I wish it was the beginning of the day. Time management is great skill. Those you who use it well, cheers to you!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "The heart is ..."
Weather wise I can say that it was a nice day. Not too cold but I still needed to bundle up. The color for the lights on the Empire State Building tonight will be white.
Today's quote is "The heart is wiser than the intellect." Author J.G. Holland.
In the name of humanity, the heart has to rule.
Today's quote is "The heart is wiser than the intellect." Author J.G. Holland.
In the name of humanity, the heart has to rule.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "It's always too..."
An overcast day in New York City is what I see when I look outside. And yes, more snow is on the way. What the heck, bring it on. The color for the light on the Empire State Building tonight will be white.
Today's quote is - "It's always too early to quit." Author Norman Vincent Peale.
Yes, I have to agree with. You gotta give it your all.
Today I spent two hours on the phone trying to fix a software problem. I had a choice to leave it alone and deal with it another time, but I was determined to get it resolved. Do I feel better? Yes, indeed.
Today's quote is - "It's always too early to quit." Author Norman Vincent Peale.
Yes, I have to agree with. You gotta give it your all.
Today I spent two hours on the phone trying to fix a software problem. I had a choice to leave it alone and deal with it another time, but I was determined to get it resolved. Do I feel better? Yes, indeed.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Wisdom is knowing..."
I cannot tell a lie, it snowed again today. The way I look at it is that we need 9/10 of an inch more of snow to fall to set a record for January so I say go for it! The color for the lights on the Empire State Building tonight will be white.
Today's quote is "Wisdom is knowing when you can't be wise." Author Paul Engle.
Yes, very true. When given a certain situation, it is wisdom that helps you make a good decision.
I think most New Yorkers are happy it is weekend as they don't have to deal with the commute into NYC. We have mountains of snow outside our home. No relief is in sight either.
Today's quote is "Wisdom is knowing when you can't be wise." Author Paul Engle.
Yes, very true. When given a certain situation, it is wisdom that helps you make a good decision.
I think most New Yorkers are happy it is weekend as they don't have to deal with the commute into NYC. We have mountains of snow outside our home. No relief is in sight either.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Let us live..."
I am beginning to sound like a broken record. Snow and more snow. My day was spent cleaning up and digging ourselves out of the snow. Hopefully the commute tomorrow will be OK. The color for the lights tonight on the Empire State Building will be white.
Today's quote is "Let us live for the beauty of our own reality." Author Charles Lamb
Yes, let's do that. It's great to see positive beaming people at work; they are contagious.
Today's quote is "Let us live for the beauty of our own reality." Author Charles Lamb
Yes, let's do that. It's great to see positive beaming people at work; they are contagious.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Be faithful to...
Yes, that's right! It is snowing again in New York City. And I heard it may accumulate on Long Island to over 8 inches. We shall see! I can barely see the Empire State Building. The color for the lights tonight will be white.
Today's quote is "Be faithful to that which exists within yourself." Author Andre Gide
Simple and to the point and I agree!
Today's quote is "Be faithful to that which exists within yourself." Author Andre Gide
Simple and to the point and I agree!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Go forth a ..."
Snow surprised most New Yorkers as they started their commute into the city today. Most of us were preparing for snow tomorrow but not definitely today. The color of the lights as I look up at the Empire State Building are white.
Today's quote is "Go forth a conqueror and win great victories." Author Virgil.
Yes, that is the way to go - positive and confident all the way.
Today's quote is "Go forth a conqueror and win great victories." Author Virgil.
Yes, that is the way to go - positive and confident all the way.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Believe in yourself..."
Cold, Cold and more Cold. That is what the weather is like today in New York. The color for the lights tonight on the Empire State Building will be white. Yes, we all know that the Jets lost so the lights did not help this time but maybe next time.
Today's quote is "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." Author Norman Vincent Peale.
Well said. Believe in yourself. That is what I am doing!
Today's quote is "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." Author Norman Vincent Peale.
Well said. Believe in yourself. That is what I am doing!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "You are happiest..."
It is yet another cold day here in New York and I did venture out to do some errands. The colors for the lights on the Empire State Building tonight will again be green and white in support of the Jets. Yes, "Let's Go Jets." And, yes, I may have some time to watch the game tonight.
Today's quote is "You are happiest while you're making the greatest contribution." Author Robert F. Kennedy.
Yes, I agree. Cheers to happiness.
Today's quote is "You are happiest while you're making the greatest contribution." Author Robert F. Kennedy.
Yes, I agree. Cheers to happiness.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "If life give ..."
Yet another busy day for me and yes, it was a cold one too. If you look up in the sky, the stars are brightly displayed and quite a sight to look at. The color for the lights tonight on the Empire State Building will again be green and white for the Jets.
Today's quote is - "If life give you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice." Author Conan O'Brien.
This is exactly what I plan to do if I am ever given any lemons or oranges or any abundance of fruits.
Today's quote is - "If life give you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice." Author Conan O'Brien.
This is exactly what I plan to do if I am ever given any lemons or oranges or any abundance of fruits.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote -" Live your life ..."
Yes, it is one of those days again and too busy to get to the computer to post by daily blog. It was snow and slush today and quite a mess. The color for the lights tonight on the Empire State Building will be green and white for the Jets.
Today's quote is "Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keep the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point." Author Harold B Melchart.
Wonderful quote. I copied this quote from a 30 challenge that I am participating in.
Today's quote is "Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keep the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point." Author Harold B Melchart.
Wonderful quote. I copied this quote from a 30 challenge that I am participating in.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Each day provides..."
Another long day and I am looking forward to the weekend. I heard snow is in the forecast but I have not seen any as yet. The color for the lights tonight on the Empire State Building will be white. This morning on my way to take the train, I saw the full moon and it looked really big. It was quite a wonderful sight; which makes me wish I had a camera to take a picture of it to post here.
Today's quote is "Each day provides its own gifts." Author Marcus Aurelius
Yes, I agree. Although today was a long day, it started off on a good note and it ended on a good note. This was my gift for today and I am truly grateful.
Today's quote is "Each day provides its own gifts." Author Marcus Aurelius
Yes, I agree. Although today was a long day, it started off on a good note and it ended on a good note. This was my gift for today and I am truly grateful.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Follow your instincts..."
It is almost the end of the day and usually this is when I am tired and ready to call it quits for the day. It was an OK day weatherwise not too cold but not great either. The color for the lights on the Empire State Building tonight will be white.
Today's quote is "Follow your instincts - you never know if your ideas will work out unless you try them." Author Lulu Guinness.
Absolutely true. I speak with a lot of entrepreneurs and yesterday one of them said the exact same words. You have to give your ideas a try. Be innovative.
Today's quote is "Follow your instincts - you never know if your ideas will work out unless you try them." Author Lulu Guinness.
Absolutely true. I speak with a lot of entrepreneurs and yesterday one of them said the exact same words. You have to give your ideas a try. Be innovative.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "A smile is..."
A cold and wet day is how I sum up what is happening right now in New York City. No sighting of the Empire State Building but I know it is out there. The color for the lights tonight will be white.
Today's quote is " A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." Author Denis Waitley.
Nice quote but only applies to true smiles. Smile and be that caring and sharing person.
Today's quote is " A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." Author Denis Waitley.
Nice quote but only applies to true smiles. Smile and be that caring and sharing person.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Take the first ..."
Martin Luther King, Jr Day - a holiday for some but not others. It is a good thing to honor and celebrate a great man. I am working today to meet deadlines; otherwise, it's a holiday for me. The blobs of clouds are passing over the Empire State Building and the skies are blue and yes, there is sunshine out there. The colors for the light tonight will be red, green and black for MLK day.
Today's Quote is "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Author Martin Luther King, Jr.
What a coincidence that this quote was chosen for today by Brainy Quotes. I chose it too to write about because the words are very true. Take the first step in faith and be an optimist.
Congratulations to those Jets. Yes, as I New Yorker, I have to support the home team. I didn't watch the game but I heard what was happening in the background.
Today's Quote is "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Author Martin Luther King, Jr.
What a coincidence that this quote was chosen for today by Brainy Quotes. I chose it too to write about because the words are very true. Take the first step in faith and be an optimist.
Congratulations to those Jets. Yes, as I New Yorker, I have to support the home team. I didn't watch the game but I heard what was happening in the background.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "The positive thinker...
Cold, that is how I feel when I walked by my open door. No venturing outside for me! No Sunday smell of someone frying chicken but more like someone baking chicken; Yes, chicken is being baked for lunch and or dinner. The color for the lights on the Empire State Building will be green and white tonight for the Jets. OK, maybe I will watch part of the game.
Today's quote is "The positive thinker see the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible." Author Unknown.
Yes, very true. That is why I am thankful for all technology advancements that occurred during the past twenty five years. Little me, under the old system, will never have had the opportunity to write for the world to see. Now I can!
Today's quote is "The positive thinker see the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible." Author Unknown.
Yes, very true. That is why I am thankful for all technology advancements that occurred during the past twenty five years. Little me, under the old system, will never have had the opportunity to write for the world to see. Now I can!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Selfishness is not ..."
Weekend is here and time to get those errands done and as quickly as possible. I see sunshine outside my windows so at least this is a good sign. The colors for the lights on the Empire State Building will be green and white tonight.
Today's quote is "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." Author Oscar Wilde
Good quote and I agree with it. Most of us at some point in our lives are faced with a situation where someone is asking us to do things affecting our lives and we are not in agreement with the suggestion. Yes, we have heard it "you should do this ..." and "I think you should do this ...".
Today's quote is "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." Author Oscar Wilde
Good quote and I agree with it. Most of us at some point in our lives are faced with a situation where someone is asking us to do things affecting our lives and we are not in agreement with the suggestion. Yes, we have heard it "you should do this ..." and "I think you should do this ...".
Friday, January 14, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - " Great thoughts always.."
Busy day and I am now getting to write this blog. I am totally convinced that I need one more hour in the day to do all my on-line activities. I love challenges but I need time to devote to them as well. It started off as a cold day and I have to say that it was not too bad this evening. The colors for the lights tonight on the Empire State Building are green and white.
Today's quote is "Great thoughts always come from the heart." Author Marquis De Vauvenargues.
Not much to add to that. So true.
Today's quote is "Great thoughts always come from the heart." Author Marquis De Vauvenargues.
Not much to add to that. So true.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Keep a cool head..."
It is now evening here in NYC. No more snow but it is cold. The Empire State Building is already lighted up in red so the schedule is correct. No sightings of the moon today but may be later when I get home, I might be able to see a trace of it up there in the sky.
Today's quote is "Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile. Never take the lead - but aim to do something big." Author Deng Xiaoping.
I like the first part of the quote. As my fellow Entrepreneurs would say, we have to take the lead; it's our nature to do so. And we will also aim to do something big and follow through.
Today's quote is "Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile. Never take the lead - but aim to do something big." Author Deng Xiaoping.
I like the first part of the quote. As my fellow Entrepreneurs would say, we have to take the lead; it's our nature to do so. And we will also aim to do something big and follow through.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Do the hard ..."
Snow, snow and more snow. Yes, about 8-10 inches of it at my home. At 3 am the ploughs were outside cleaning up. Yes, you get the idea! Luckily for me, I was able to get a ride to the train station and the train was on-time. Wow! Amazing and all true. I've seen clouds pass over the Empire State Building; I've seen only clouds and now I actually see blue skies and clouds. Yes, there was also nice bright sunshine out there too. Wonders never ceased. The color for the lights tonight will be white.
Today's quote is "Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves." Author Dale Carnegie. This is the quote of the day from Brainy Quotes.
I have to totally disagree with that statement. Easy jobs don't take care of themselves; you have to find time to do it!
It's a co-incidence as I am faced with the same situation right now at work. Do I take on the hard tasks first or the easy ones? Guess what? I chose to do the easy ones first and get those out of the way so that I can at least accomplish something. Choosing otherwise, I would spend the whole day working on the hard tasks and nothing gets completed.
In my world, there is no fairy godmother to come and pick up the pieces for me.
Today's quote is "Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves." Author Dale Carnegie. This is the quote of the day from Brainy Quotes.
I have to totally disagree with that statement. Easy jobs don't take care of themselves; you have to find time to do it!
It's a co-incidence as I am faced with the same situation right now at work. Do I take on the hard tasks first or the easy ones? Guess what? I chose to do the easy ones first and get those out of the way so that I can at least accomplish something. Choosing otherwise, I would spend the whole day working on the hard tasks and nothing gets completed.
In my world, there is no fairy godmother to come and pick up the pieces for me.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "You must first have..."
Clouds, clouds and more clouds (that's right!) are passing over the Empire State Building as I write this blog. The color for the lights tonight will be white. A snow storm is expected for the NYC area and Long Island so it will be interesting to see just how much snow we will get.
Today's quote is "You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience." Author Stanislaw J. Lec.
Patience, let's see how much I have? Answer, none. Ask other people about my patience, the answer is - a lot. Most of us have a minimum tolerance level for patience because we want progress.
Right now at work I am spending hours just waiting for the various computer systems to process information before I can move forward. Yes, that requires a lot of patience. My day today will be spent waiting and waiting to get things done. Is it frustrating? yes! but I have learnt to have patience.
Today's quote is "You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience." Author Stanislaw J. Lec.
Patience, let's see how much I have? Answer, none. Ask other people about my patience, the answer is - a lot. Most of us have a minimum tolerance level for patience because we want progress.
Right now at work I am spending hours just waiting for the various computer systems to process information before I can move forward. Yes, that requires a lot of patience. My day today will be spent waiting and waiting to get things done. Is it frustrating? yes! but I have learnt to have patience.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "You already possess..."
Sunshine, but it's cold out there! It is also cold in here. My little desk heater stopped working and I am freezing but trying to be positive at the same time. Dusty blue skies but I have this amazing view of the Moon, yes, that's right, the Moon is above to the right of the Empire State Building. My view is a quarter of the Moon. Gotta believe! The lights at the top of the Empire State Building will be white tonight.
Today's quote is "You already possess everything to become great." Author Crow - Indian Proverb.
I like proverbs. There is always some wisdom in these sayings revealing itself to you. There is no need for perfect English; anyone who reads the proverbs usually gets the meaning.
Today's quote is "You already possess everything to become great." Author Crow - Indian Proverb.
I like proverbs. There is always some wisdom in these sayings revealing itself to you. There is no need for perfect English; anyone who reads the proverbs usually gets the meaning.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "A gentle breeze...
Sunshine and yes it is better than waking up to snow showers. I actually got caught in a little snow fall yesterday but I managed OK.
Today's quote is " A gentle breeze blowing in the right direction is better than a pair of strong oars." Proverb
I love it! Yes, I know it is winter but it also nice to get outside and enjoy what nature has to offer like the gentle breeze blowing on your face on a summer evening. A few more months to go and we are there. Positive thinking!
Today's quote is " A gentle breeze blowing in the right direction is better than a pair of strong oars." Proverb
I love it! Yes, I know it is winter but it also nice to get outside and enjoy what nature has to offer like the gentle breeze blowing on your face on a summer evening. A few more months to go and we are there. Positive thinking!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "The positive thinker...
I can't help thinking about what a nice feeling it was to watch the snow fall yesterday. Today, I don't know what's in store for us weather wise but I sure it will be a nice day. The color for the lights on the Empire State Building will be white.
Today's quote is "The positive thinker see the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible." Author Unknown.
I posted this quote on Facebook yesterday. As a positive person, I am a go getter and like to look for potential. As a net worker, I try to find one positive thing to dwell on from each event I attend.
Today's quote is "The positive thinker see the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible." Author Unknown.
I posted this quote on Facebook yesterday. As a positive person, I am a go getter and like to look for potential. As a net worker, I try to find one positive thing to dwell on from each event I attend.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote -"Few people can..."
It's snowing here in NYC and it's also picture perfect looking out the window and seeing the snow fall; just like in the movies. There is a vague sighting of the Empire State Building and the color for the lights tonight will be white.
Today's quote is "Few people can see genius in someone who has offended them." Author Robertson Davies.
Very true quote. I have to admit I am part of the other few people who see the genius. Yes, I believe in giving credit where it is due. Try it, it makes you a better person.
Today's quote is "Few people can see genius in someone who has offended them." Author Robertson Davies.
Very true quote. I have to admit I am part of the other few people who see the genius. Yes, I believe in giving credit where it is due. Try it, it makes you a better person.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "I can live..."
Yes, it is almost the end of the day and I now have a few minutes to get to this blog. Way too busy doing too many things.
Today's quote is "I can live for two months on a good compliment." Author Mark Twain.
Well I have to admit I got a good compliment tonight. Will it last for two months? Probably not. But it is a nice feeling when people compliment you.
Today's quote is "I can live for two months on a good compliment." Author Mark Twain.
Well I have to admit I got a good compliment tonight. Will it last for two months? Probably not. But it is a nice feeling when people compliment you.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote -"Let others lead..."
Yet another busy day for me. Scattered white clouds passing over the Empire State Building but still lots of nice blue skies to look up at. The colors for the lights tonight will again be red and green per the schedule. It is now 4.20pm here in NYC. The markets are closed and the DOW is up 31.71.
Today's quote is " Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you." Author Jim Rohn.
Well said. This quote was posted on Facebook by a friend and we all loved it.
We all have to keep our jobs because none of us won the Mega Millions. Yes, we will be given another chance but not starting at $300 million.
Today's quote is " Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you." Author Jim Rohn.
Well said. This quote was posted on Facebook by a friend and we all loved it.
We all have to keep our jobs because none of us won the Mega Millions. Yes, we will be given another chance but not starting at $300 million.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "To be free..."
Busy day with lots of errands to take care of. Blue skies, white clouds , reflections of the sun, yes that's about it for what I see outside. The color for the light on the Empire State Building will again be red and green.
Today's quote is "To be free and to live a free life - that is the most beautiful thing there is." Author Miguel Indurain.
Absolutely! To be able to live a free life is a treasure that should not be taken for granted. We have to thank all the people who make it possible for us experience this freedom everyday.
Today's quote is "To be free and to live a free life - that is the most beautiful thing there is." Author Miguel Indurain.
Absolutely! To be able to live a free life is a treasure that should not be taken for granted. We have to thank all the people who make it possible for us experience this freedom everyday.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Happiness is within..."
The first official working day for 2011. I actually started making a "to do list" for today so let's see how this will play out. Dusty blue skies, sunshine but a cold day here in NYC. The Empire State Building stands alone and the color for the lights tonight will again be red and green.
Today's quote is "Happiness is within. It has nothing to do with how much applause you get or how many people praise you. Happiness comes when you believe that you have done something truly meaningful." Author Martin Yan.
I like this quote and Martin Yan. My sister and I like to watch his cooking show. Those of you who have seen the show knows that "if Yan can cook, so can you" is the catchy phrase he uses and it is great.
I am planning to make 2011 a year about happiness and success for me and I wish everyone the same too.
Today's quote is "Happiness is within. It has nothing to do with how much applause you get or how many people praise you. Happiness comes when you believe that you have done something truly meaningful." Author Martin Yan.
I like this quote and Martin Yan. My sister and I like to watch his cooking show. Those of you who have seen the show knows that "if Yan can cook, so can you" is the catchy phrase he uses and it is great.
I am planning to make 2011 a year about happiness and success for me and I wish everyone the same too.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Sleep is the ..."
Day 2 of the New Year and very grateful that I am home taking it easy and getting my personal chores done. It looks like rain drops outside but this will not stop me from getting my errands done.
Today's quote is "Sleep is the best meditation." Author Dalia Lama.
I have to admit that sleep is my favorite past time. Whenever possible, I try to take little naps here and there. While I do not always get the recommended hours of sleep, I try to get at least 6 hours each night. I can't function properly with less sleep.
Some people can vouch as to how energize they feel after taking a little nap during the day and I am one of them.
The Huffington Post published a blog about sleep on January 4, 2010. A point taken from the blog, "... if we sleep more, the more powerful we become." I second that!
Today's quote is "Sleep is the best meditation." Author Dalia Lama.
I have to admit that sleep is my favorite past time. Whenever possible, I try to take little naps here and there. While I do not always get the recommended hours of sleep, I try to get at least 6 hours each night. I can't function properly with less sleep.
Some people can vouch as to how energize they feel after taking a little nap during the day and I am one of them.
The Huffington Post published a blog about sleep on January 4, 2010. A point taken from the blog, "... if we sleep more, the more powerful we become." I second that!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Diantie's Daily Quote - "I can choose..."

Happy New Year to everyone. Yes, I am still at it and I have about 99 more postings to reach my goal of 365 quotes for the one year goal. Lots of things to accomplish this year and lots of plans have been made. Looking back at 2010, I can say that I achieved quite a lot and I am very proud of myself. I made more friends in 2010 than I did in all my life. One of my goals for 2011, is to make even more friends and I know I will.
Today's quote is "I can choose happiness whenever I wish no matter what my circumstances." Author unknown.
Always choose happiness; it makes you feel better! Yes, it requires effort and discipline, but we all have it in us to be happy.
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