Yes, I am getting a late start to the day cause I don't feel great and energetic like I normally do. Dark clouds surround the Empire State Building and I recall that rain maybe in the weather forecast. The color for the lights tonight is white. A few days ago I was reading a complaint from someone about the color of lights per the published schedule. I know sometimes I write that the lights will be white or some other color and then I see otherwise on TV. It is good to know that I am not the only one paying attention to the color of the lights and also that I am going crazy.
Today's quote is "Good things happen when you meet strangers." Author Yo-Yo Ma.
Absolutely positively true. Yesterday, while waiting to meet a friend, I ran into someone I met briefly a few months ago. The person recognized me and immediately we started talking about things we are doing and offering support to each other. She recommended a book for me to read and I did the same.
We will definitely be meeting again but this time we won't be strangers.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "You must learn..."
Back to work and yes, it was a little hard getting up and out of bed. Dusty blue skies but no clouds as I look out and up at the Empire State Building. The color for the lights tonight is white.
Today's quote is "You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself." Author Sam Levenson.
Absolutely true. I sure don't want to make every mistake there is to make so I will follow the advice from the quote and learn from the mistakes of others.
Speaking of mistakes, the first cheesecake I made had a crack after I took it out of the oven to cool. For the second cheesecake I made on Thanksgiving day, I decided to follow directions and leave it in the oven to cool. Guess what? This cheesecake cracked too. So now I need to do some further research to find out how to stop those cracks on my cheesecakes when I make them again.
Today's quote is "You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself." Author Sam Levenson.
Absolutely true. I sure don't want to make every mistake there is to make so I will follow the advice from the quote and learn from the mistakes of others.
Speaking of mistakes, the first cheesecake I made had a crack after I took it out of the oven to cool. For the second cheesecake I made on Thanksgiving day, I decided to follow directions and leave it in the oven to cool. Guess what? This cheesecake cracked too. So now I need to do some further research to find out how to stop those cracks on my cheesecakes when I make them again.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "What is important..."
The Sunday smell of food cooking in the kitchen is what got me up and out of bed this morning. I recall when growing up there was this song we listened to called "Sunday Morning Coming Down" by Johnny Cash. The smell of the food cooking took me back in time. So I got up ate my breakfast and took that stroll down the street. It is good for the soul!
Today's quote is "What is important is to believe in something so strongly that you're never discouraged." Author Salma Hayek.
In the background, the TV is on tuned in to CNN. Earlier there was a discussion on blogging and now it is an interview with Rachael Ray and her success story. A co-incidence? Who knows. Rachael Ray certainly believed in herself and look at her now.
I totally agree that it is important to strongly believe in something whatever it is and to be encouraged not be discouraged.
Today's quote is "What is important is to believe in something so strongly that you're never discouraged." Author Salma Hayek.
In the background, the TV is on tuned in to CNN. Earlier there was a discussion on blogging and now it is an interview with Rachael Ray and her success story. A co-incidence? Who knows. Rachael Ray certainly believed in herself and look at her now.
I totally agree that it is important to strongly believe in something whatever it is and to be encouraged not be discouraged.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote- "I learned that the..."
There was no black Friday shopping or any shopping for me this weekend! I plan to take it easy and catch up on other chores. I will probably go out later and take in some fresh air.
Today's quote is " I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you'll win - if you don't, you won't." Author Bruce Jenner.
It's been said time again and again that hard work is required for success. Yes, we entrepreneurs know this well and don't take it for granted.
Today's quote is " I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you'll win - if you don't, you won't." Author Bruce Jenner.
It's been said time again and again that hard work is required for success. Yes, we entrepreneurs know this well and don't take it for granted.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "I don't see women..."
Thanksgiving is over and I sure most of us had lots to eat and some of us are already working on a weight loss plan. My Thanksgiving was quiet with no fuss. My little nephews came over during the day and one of them helped me make a cheesecake. I tasted it last night and it was good. Yes, self praise and I OK with that too.
Today's quote is "I don't see women and think of them as competition or with judgment. Women really move me. I feel connected to all kinds of women. I am angry because I think we've been mistreated through history in different countries, including America. I admire women." Author Salma Hayek.
I am glad Salma said these words. It takes a lot of self esteem and a whole lot more for some women to truly be happy with who they are and to be accepting of other women. My advice is to be proud of who you are and please please do not compare yourself to other women. This little action is enough to destroy whatever little self esteem you have. So women out there, please do not do it as it hurts you more that you know.
Today's quote is "I don't see women and think of them as competition or with judgment. Women really move me. I feel connected to all kinds of women. I am angry because I think we've been mistreated through history in different countries, including America. I admire women." Author Salma Hayek.
I am glad Salma said these words. It takes a lot of self esteem and a whole lot more for some women to truly be happy with who they are and to be accepting of other women. My advice is to be proud of who you are and please please do not compare yourself to other women. This little action is enough to destroy whatever little self esteem you have. So women out there, please do not do it as it hurts you more that you know.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "The secret of..."

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Yes, I slept in a little cause I needed the rest. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is in full swing and I saw a bit of it on TV a little while ago. Actually, earlier in the week there were performances on 34 Street in front the store which I happen to catch a glimpse of you too.
Lots to to do today include cooking turkey (not a whole one) that will be this weekend. I made a cheese cake a couple of months ago and it turned out great so I am giving it another try today.
Today's quote is "The secret of living in peace with all people lies in the art of understanding each one by his own individuality." Author Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
Today is a day to be thankful for everything we have. I am thankful all the time. Some people need to set aside that special moment in time to say thanks and that is OK too. I had a good year, full of surprises and eye opening experiences and there is still one more month to go.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Using the power..."
I was thankful for the amazing weather on Monday but now I am even more thankful for the fabulous weather yesterday. The day started off looking to be a raining one but last night the weather was fantastic. Last night was one of those few occasions where I get to see the Empire State Building from a different view and all lighted up. The view was stunning. Now as I look up at the sky, I can see the usually white clouds passing by the Empire State Building. The colors for the lights tonight through Sunday night are red, orange and yellow in honor of Thanksgiving.
Today's quote is "Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant." Author Tony Robbins.
There are certain characteristic that people see and like in other people. I recall a former co-worker telling me that she admired someone because the person was decisive. I thought that was interesting because I am far from a procrastinator so naturally I assume everyone was like that.
Making decisions is not an easy process as it appears on the surface. Yes, some simple decisions can be made in a few seconds but others require a long thoughtful process. Why? Depends on the situation.
As an entrepreneur, I meet many people trying to convince me to do this or that and I get the sales pitch quite often. This is part of the networking process and I accept that. What I don't do is to allow people to force me to make a decision when I have not given the issue any thought.
Today's quote is "Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant." Author Tony Robbins.
There are certain characteristic that people see and like in other people. I recall a former co-worker telling me that she admired someone because the person was decisive. I thought that was interesting because I am far from a procrastinator so naturally I assume everyone was like that.
Making decisions is not an easy process as it appears on the surface. Yes, some simple decisions can be made in a few seconds but others require a long thoughtful process. Why? Depends on the situation.
As an entrepreneur, I meet many people trying to convince me to do this or that and I get the sales pitch quite often. This is part of the networking process and I accept that. What I don't do is to allow people to force me to make a decision when I have not given the issue any thought.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "I am really blessed..."
I am attempting to change a few things about the way I start my day. More to come on this later. Yesterday was a gorgeous day weather wise and I was truly surprise and thankful for it too. Right now I see only dark clouds that cover the entire skyline and it looks like rain can happen at any minute. The Empire State Building is in full view and the lights are white for tonight.
Today's quote is "I am really blessed and very grateful for it." Author Pam Grier
The probing question is - how do you know when you are blessed? Each of us may have a different answer but for me it was the little things that were happening in my life that brought me to this realization. Notice I said little things not big extravagant things.
Today's quote is "I am really blessed and very grateful for it." Author Pam Grier
The probing question is - how do you know when you are blessed? Each of us may have a different answer but for me it was the little things that were happening in my life that brought me to this realization. Notice I said little things not big extravagant things.
A while back I was talking to some people about my role model when I was young girl and how much I wanted to be like her. One of the ways I know I am blessed is that I was able to do a couple of things that she did.
As an adult, I don't have a role model because I became "Me" but I still keep my eyes open for those characteristics in other women that I can use myself.
I can't count the amount of times I have said that I am blessed and I am very very grateful too.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Too many people..."
Various levels of clouds surround the Empire State Building, each moving at a different pace. Kinda like what you see when you are in a plane up there above the clouds. The color for the lights tonight are orange and white.
Today's quote is "Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." Author Malcolm Forbes.
The second part of the quote I can say relates to me. A couple of months ago I was asked to write an elevator speech and test it on a few people which I did. One on my co-workers hated what I wrote. She said "you are so much better than this." I reminded her I only had 30 seconds for the pitch. This was a great exercise because it is hard to "self praise" yourself.
Then a few weeks later, I overhead a conversation where someone was saying he undervalues himself. It felt better to know that I was not alone but it does not help the situation that most of us do it; especially entrepreneurs.
To fix this, I decided that I needed "to put my foot down" and say this is what I am worth. Actually, I already did so and it felt great.
Today's quote is "Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." Author Malcolm Forbes.
The second part of the quote I can say relates to me. A couple of months ago I was asked to write an elevator speech and test it on a few people which I did. One on my co-workers hated what I wrote. She said "you are so much better than this." I reminded her I only had 30 seconds for the pitch. This was a great exercise because it is hard to "self praise" yourself.
Then a few weeks later, I overhead a conversation where someone was saying he undervalues himself. It felt better to know that I was not alone but it does not help the situation that most of us do it; especially entrepreneurs.
To fix this, I decided that I needed "to put my foot down" and say this is what I am worth. Actually, I already did so and it felt great.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "It's no secret..."
Sunday morning is here I have tons of things to do. My goal is get started as early as possible and at least accomplish a few things. Sunshine is happening outside but I recall that the weather report saying it will be cold too. No venturing out today for me.
Today's quote is "It's no secret that I love to talk, but the real secret is I love to listen, too." Author Kathie Lee Gifford.
Yes, Kathie, those of us who know you from the "Regis and Kathie" knows you love to talk. And yes, you are right, your secret is that you like to listen. I talked about listening last week in one of my blogs.
A few days ago I was in meeting and by the slip of the tongue, the person I was talking to happen to mention something that immediately told me exactly what the outcome of the meeting will be. It is amazing how quickly I realized the little hope I had for something productive to come out of this meeting, came to screeching halt.
I had my listening skills on and heard clearly what being said to me. On my way home from the meeting, I reflected on what had just happen. So did I learn anything from the experience, yes I did, and that is a secret!
Today's quote is "It's no secret that I love to talk, but the real secret is I love to listen, too." Author Kathie Lee Gifford.
Yes, Kathie, those of us who know you from the "Regis and Kathie" knows you love to talk. And yes, you are right, your secret is that you like to listen. I talked about listening last week in one of my blogs.
A few days ago I was in meeting and by the slip of the tongue, the person I was talking to happen to mention something that immediately told me exactly what the outcome of the meeting will be. It is amazing how quickly I realized the little hope I had for something productive to come out of this meeting, came to screeching halt.
I had my listening skills on and heard clearly what being said to me. On my way home from the meeting, I reflected on what had just happen. So did I learn anything from the experience, yes I did, and that is a secret!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "We are suppose..."
The color of the lights on the Empire State Building is something that I have been posting on my blog for a few weeks. At night when I working on my computer, I might occasionally get a glance of the weather report where a scene of the Empire State Building all lighted is shown. Last night was one of those occasions. I saw multi colors and was a little surprise as the schedule said the lights will be white. So much for relying on the schedule. As I don't know what to expect, I will skip posting the colors until the schedule is updated.
Today's quote is "We are suppose to enjoy the good stuff now, while we can, with the people we love. Life has a funny way of teaching us that lesson over and over again." Author Sheena Easton.
This is a very true quote but no matter how many times we here it or whether or not it is ingrained in our brains, we still tend to make the mistake of missing out on "important" events meaningful to our lives.
I think I wrote about my experience in college when this was happening to me as my education came first and I did not let anything else get in the way. Now I select the events that I want to participate it and accept the decision the I make.
Today's quote is "We are suppose to enjoy the good stuff now, while we can, with the people we love. Life has a funny way of teaching us that lesson over and over again." Author Sheena Easton.
This is a very true quote but no matter how many times we here it or whether or not it is ingrained in our brains, we still tend to make the mistake of missing out on "important" events meaningful to our lives.
I think I wrote about my experience in college when this was happening to me as my education came first and I did not let anything else get in the way. Now I select the events that I want to participate it and accept the decision the I make.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "There are people..."
We all have had those mornings where we set aside time to take care of a problem and just when we think "this is it" now I am ready to get on with my day, out of the blues another problem surfaces. I was pulling out of the driveway and it heard this scraping noise. I immediately thought I had a flat tire and so much for getting to the train station on time. Yes, it was another problem with the car but today is not the day to take care of it.
Nice blue skies surround the Empire State Building and no clouds in sight but sunshine rays beaming down from up above. The color for the lights are again white until Sunday.
Today's quote is "There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves." Author Albert Guinon.
So how true is this? Come on, most of us done it at least once. Listening is a skill. My financial advisor has superb listening skills this is why he is so successful not only in business but also in relationships with others. I have learnt a thing or two from him that has help me with resolving problems.
Yes, listening works and it is one of the most powerful tools to employ. Use it!
Nice blue skies surround the Empire State Building and no clouds in sight but sunshine rays beaming down from up above. The color for the lights are again white until Sunday.
Today's quote is "There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves." Author Albert Guinon.
So how true is this? Come on, most of us done it at least once. Listening is a skill. My financial advisor has superb listening skills this is why he is so successful not only in business but also in relationships with others. I have learnt a thing or two from him that has help me with resolving problems.
Yes, listening works and it is one of the most powerful tools to employ. Use it!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Just don't give up..."
Blue skies and patches of clouds passing slowing over the Empire State Building. Reflections of the Sun appear on a few buildings as I look outside. The color for the lights tonight are white.
Today's quote is "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." Author Ella Fitzgerald
Well said and cherish words for all entrepreneurs to hold dear. I may have said this before, but when you see people in action who love what they do, it is amazing. Loving what you do brings out the best in us. We even become contagious with our enthusiasm as we do what we love.
Today's quote is "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." Author Ella Fitzgerald
Well said and cherish words for all entrepreneurs to hold dear. I may have said this before, but when you see people in action who love what they do, it is amazing. Loving what you do brings out the best in us. We even become contagious with our enthusiasm as we do what we love.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "One never notices..."
Nice weather to start the day off. I look outside and see the trees swaying back and forth which makes me want to be out there taking in the fresh air and the breeze. As I look up at the Empire State Building, I see dark and white clouds quickly passing by as if they are on a journey to get some where. Now I definitely have to go outside at lunch time. The color for the lights tonight are purple and white.
Today's quote is "One never notices what has been done; one can see only what remains to be done." Author Marie Curie.
This is such a true statement and I am sure many of you have tons of instances when this has happen to you. For me it was when I was renovating my kitchen years ago and there were still a few things remaining to get done. One observer quickly pointed out "what happen to this, this and this" as the areas that were not completed as yet. My brother heard as this was going on and noted how quickly the person making the comments found nothing good to say.
As I said, it has happened over and over again to many of us. So what do you do? You can ignore the person or can play along and say yes, we are still working on it. I am interested in hearing how other people handle this situation.
Today's quote is "One never notices what has been done; one can see only what remains to be done." Author Marie Curie.
This is such a true statement and I am sure many of you have tons of instances when this has happen to you. For me it was when I was renovating my kitchen years ago and there were still a few things remaining to get done. One observer quickly pointed out "what happen to this, this and this" as the areas that were not completed as yet. My brother heard as this was going on and noted how quickly the person making the comments found nothing good to say.
As I said, it has happened over and over again to many of us. So what do you do? You can ignore the person or can play along and say yes, we are still working on it. I am interested in hearing how other people handle this situation.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "You become a better..."
Another day of dark clouds but the Empire State Building is still slightly visible. The color for the lights is again white.
Today's quote is "You become a better writer by writing. You become a better travel writer by writing about travel." Author Tim Cahill.
In college, writing was not one of my favorite subjects especially when I had to do research. After I started writing a few papers, I got hooked on it and actually enjoyed it. My Fine Arts teacher give me a list of guidelines as to how to write term papers. Needless to say that I aced her class. So I agree with the quote that you become a better writer by writing. I like writing this blog and even though the goal is write about the quotes for a year, I may extend my deadline after April 9, 2011.
I met a few people that write for a living and I have to say that I love their work. I don't know of anyone who will pay me to write, but it does not mean I shouldn't look.
Today's quote is "You become a better writer by writing. You become a better travel writer by writing about travel." Author Tim Cahill.
In college, writing was not one of my favorite subjects especially when I had to do research. After I started writing a few papers, I got hooked on it and actually enjoyed it. My Fine Arts teacher give me a list of guidelines as to how to write term papers. Needless to say that I aced her class. So I agree with the quote that you become a better writer by writing. I like writing this blog and even though the goal is write about the quotes for a year, I may extend my deadline after April 9, 2011.
I met a few people that write for a living and I have to say that I love their work. I don't know of anyone who will pay me to write, but it does not mean I shouldn't look.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Then no matter..."
Back on track and hoping to stay on track with this blog. A mixture of dark and white clouds are blocking my view of the Empire State Building. It appears there is a tint of sunlight out there but no sighting of the Sun. The color for the lights tonight are white.
Today's quote is "Then no matter what goes on around you in the physical universe, hang on to what you know." Author Lindsay Wagner.
I like Lindsay Wagner. I remember watching her as Bionic Woman many years ago.
It is interesting that I found this quote today. Over the weekend I heard someone say "I know what I speak." I say be observant and be open to new ideas but don't let go of your principles and values.
Today's quote is "Then no matter what goes on around you in the physical universe, hang on to what you know." Author Lindsay Wagner.
I like Lindsay Wagner. I remember watching her as Bionic Woman many years ago.
It is interesting that I found this quote today. Over the weekend I heard someone say "I know what I speak." I say be observant and be open to new ideas but don't let go of your principles and values.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote "You can't wait ..."
It is evening time and I had a busy weekend. The color for the lights tonight on the Empire State Building are blue and white. I saw the Empire State Building tonight and I don't recall seeing blue but I did see white.
Today's quote is "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." Author Jack London.
All entrepreneurs can relate to this one I hope. Yes, we go out there and go after our dreams and yes, we also have fears but it is the inspiration that gets us going to take the first steps.
Tomorrow I will be back on track and now I am inspired to start creating my own quotes. Hooray for inspiration!
Today's quote is "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." Author Jack London.
All entrepreneurs can relate to this one I hope. Yes, we go out there and go after our dreams and yes, we also have fears but it is the inspiration that gets us going to take the first steps.
Tomorrow I will be back on track and now I am inspired to start creating my own quotes. Hooray for inspiration!
Diantie's Daily Quote - "All I can tell..."
Yes, I did not write a quote yesterday and it is not because I forgot but because I was not able to get to a computer. So today I will post the quote for yesterday and separately, the quote for today.
Yesterday's quote is "All I can tell you really is if you get to the point where someone is telling you that you are not great or not good enough, just follow your heart and don't let anybody crush your dream." Author Patti LaBelle.
I like her and I think this is a great quote and I intend to follow her advice.
Yesterday's quote is "All I can tell you really is if you get to the point where someone is telling you that you are not great or not good enough, just follow your heart and don't let anybody crush your dream." Author Patti LaBelle.
I like her and I think this is a great quote and I intend to follow her advice.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Success consists of ..."
It's Friday and it started off to be a nice day. Nice blue skies surround the Empire State Building and the color for the lights tonight are blue and white.
Today's quote is "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Author Winston Churchill.
It takes a lot of guts to fail repeatedly and still keep going. If money is not issue, then we would all be totally enthusiastic about jumping into another venture after we had several failed ones. Yes, I know, lots of the successful people has failed before they became a success.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.Winston Churchill
Today's quote is "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Author Winston Churchill.
It takes a lot of guts to fail repeatedly and still keep going. If money is not issue, then we would all be totally enthusiastic about jumping into another venture after we had several failed ones. Yes, I know, lots of the successful people has failed before they became a success.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.Winston Churchill
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "The chief difference..."
Again I am late getting to this blog. Busy day! Nice blue skies surround the Empire State Building and the colors for the lights tonight are red, white and blue for veterans days. Thank you to all our Vets who have served us over the years so that we can enjoy the life we live.
Today's quote is " The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God." Author Leo Tolstoy.
Well said. I guess there is a connect between the good work out Vets did for us as a "good deed" and God.
Today's quote is " The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God." Author Leo Tolstoy.
Well said. I guess there is a connect between the good work out Vets did for us as a "good deed" and God.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Leadership appears to be..."
Yes, the quote is late today. Too busy getting other things done such as attending a class and happy to report that I learnt a few new things today. The skies are now a dusty blue and there are no clouds over the Empire State Building but a slight reflection of the Sun setting. The color for the lights tonight is white.
Today's quote is "Leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done." Author Vince Packard.
OK, I will agree a little with this quote but leadership is much more than that. How about responsibility and taking ownership? Rallying the troops is only one attribute of a leader.
Today's quote is "Leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done." Author Vince Packard.
OK, I will agree a little with this quote but leadership is much more than that. How about responsibility and taking ownership? Rallying the troops is only one attribute of a leader.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "The trouble with..."
Nice blue skies surround the Empire State Building but no sighting of the Sun. It is a little chilly here in NYC but it will warm up later. The colors for the lights tonight are blue, pink and yellow.
Today's quote is " The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it." Author Franklin P. Jones.
Maybe nobody is there when you arrive early but people do appreciate those who are punctual. How many times have we been on group trips and we were all waiting or searching for someone because he/she was late? Too many times! I'd say the people who are punctual appreciate the fact that others are too.
Today's quote is " The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it." Author Franklin P. Jones.
Maybe nobody is there when you arrive early but people do appreciate those who are punctual. How many times have we been on group trips and we were all waiting or searching for someone because he/she was late? Too many times! I'd say the people who are punctual appreciate the fact that others are too.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "There are two things..."
Day light saving time began yesterday and it felt great to have an extra hour to get things done. Today in New York City it is overcast and windy and it will probably rain later. Only dark clouds surround the Empire State Building. The colors of the light for tonight are green, white and red for the opening night of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular.
Today's Quote is "There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second." Author Logan Pearsall Smith.
Very true statement. It is true that some of us get what we want but then don't enjoy it or don't have the time to enjoy it. I want to be part of mankind that achieve the second.
Today's Quote is "There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second." Author Logan Pearsall Smith.
Very true statement. It is true that some of us get what we want but then don't enjoy it or don't have the time to enjoy it. I want to be part of mankind that achieve the second.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "The way of devotion..."
The NYC Marathon is now in process. Last year I was out cheering for American Cancer Society and also all the other runners as well. It was the first time I had seen the NYC Marathon in action and it was great! Today, I am not able to go out and cheer but I took a little jog this morning and it was cold. The color for the lights on the Empire State building tonight are orange, white and blue for the 2010 NYC ING Marathon.
Today's quote is "The way of devotion is as good as the way of knowledge. But as long as God keeps the feeling of ego in us, it is easier to follow the path of devotion." Hindu quote.
OK , I have to say it is a matter of opinion. My view is that it is great to be devoted to whatever you do even if it is religion; just don't become obsessed over it.
Go Marathon athletes!
Today's quote is "The way of devotion is as good as the way of knowledge. But as long as God keeps the feeling of ego in us, it is easier to follow the path of devotion." Hindu quote.
OK , I have to say it is a matter of opinion. My view is that it is great to be devoted to whatever you do even if it is religion; just don't become obsessed over it.
Go Marathon athletes!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "In your striving ..."
It is starting off to be a nice sunshine day and it is also a little chilly. As always all the weekend chores need to get done and I have to challenge myself to prepare some sweets or maybe I will just cook a meal. The color for the lights on the Empire State building are again white, red and yellow.
Today's quote is "In your striving, be mindful to preserve good conduct. In your deliberations, discover it is your staunchest ally." Hindu quote.
Great quote. I don't think most people start their day off by pledging to make others miserable and by provoking them. When people are passionate about a cause, they put their heart and soul into their cause even if it means fighting a battle and disagreeing with friends and family in the process.
Good conduct is wonderful but unfortunately we do not always have control over certain situations we are placed in to constantly remain calm and collected.
For Diwali yesterday I did clean up those leaves and did a good job if I do say so myself. I made a little dinner and lighted my tea candles. I was pleased with accomplishing my little tasks and my tea candles looked great outside and got my neighbors talking too.
Today's quote is "In your striving, be mindful to preserve good conduct. In your deliberations, discover it is your staunchest ally." Hindu quote.
Great quote. I don't think most people start their day off by pledging to make others miserable and by provoking them. When people are passionate about a cause, they put their heart and soul into their cause even if it means fighting a battle and disagreeing with friends and family in the process.
Good conduct is wonderful but unfortunately we do not always have control over certain situations we are placed in to constantly remain calm and collected.
For Diwali yesterday I did clean up those leaves and did a good job if I do say so myself. I made a little dinner and lighted my tea candles. I was pleased with accomplishing my little tasks and my tea candles looked great outside and got my neighbors talking too.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "The wise see ..."

It is an overcast day here in NYC. Dark clouds lines the sky and I can actually see the Empire State Building. The colors for the lights tonight are white, red and yellow.
Today's quote is "The wise see the Lord of Love in the Sun, rising in all its golden radiance, to give its warmth and light and life to all." Quotation Prashna Upanishad.
Happy Diwali to all my fellow Hindu devotees. Known as "The Festival of Lights", Diwali is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. Tonight we light our diyas and place them at certain areas of our home to welcome "Lakshmi" the goddess of wealth into our homes. I found this picture of a greeting card on the internet. I hope the owner don't mind me using it to show what is a "diya".
In India, thousands of people will flock to various temples to give an offering to "Lakshmi". Lots of sweet foods will prepare and eaten today. Cleanliness is imperative. Days are spend cleaning up our homes to have it ready for when "Lakshmi" comes to visit.
As a tradition, lots of people take the day off from work but today I am working. My first task at hand when I go home tonight is clean up the leaves from the driveway and the outside stairs. I will also prepare a simple vegetarian meal. I don't follow the tradition of lighting diyas but instead, I light tea candles and they burn for hours. Tomorrow I may challenge myself to prepare a few sweet things.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "I'm please with..."
It's raining in NYC and my view is dark clouds and no sighting of the Empire State Building. The color for the lights tonight is Green for NYC Youth and Community Development - National Runaway Prevention Month. Excellent cause!
Today's quote is "I'm please with my life, with the journey." Author Tina Turner.
How many of us can say that? I think some of are satisfied with our journey and others or not. Some of us would have liked to change a few things that happened to us along the way and others hoped for better experiences.
I like Tina Turner and I glad she is pleased with her life.
Today's quote is "I'm please with my life, with the journey." Author Tina Turner.
How many of us can say that? I think some of are satisfied with our journey and others or not. Some of us would have liked to change a few things that happened to us along the way and others hoped for better experiences.
I like Tina Turner and I glad she is pleased with her life.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "Be true to ..."
The Sun has already risen and passed to the right of the Empire State Building. The skies are blue with a dusty white coating of clouds. The color for the light tonight are White.
Today's quote is "Be true to your work, your word, and your friend." Author Henry David Thoreau.
It's interesting this is the quote for today. This morning my train buddies and I were talking about being true to your word. One of them mentioned that she promised to send a picture of Taylor Swift performing to a few people she met at the airport. Yes, she did send the pictures because she said she would. Some us of take our "word" seriously while others do not. At times circumstances prevent us from keeping our "word" but most people understand when you tell them so rather than not saying anything at all. You should definitely be true to your friends as well; you need them even if you feel you don't. It is a given that you should be true to work; A lot of take pride in our work!
Today's quote is "Be true to your work, your word, and your friend." Author Henry David Thoreau.
It's interesting this is the quote for today. This morning my train buddies and I were talking about being true to your word. One of them mentioned that she promised to send a picture of Taylor Swift performing to a few people she met at the airport. Yes, she did send the pictures because she said she would. Some us of take our "word" seriously while others do not. At times circumstances prevent us from keeping our "word" but most people understand when you tell them so rather than not saying anything at all. You should definitely be true to your friends as well; you need them even if you feel you don't. It is a given that you should be true to work; A lot of take pride in our work!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "There came into ..."
Nice clear blue skies is what I am looking at right now outside my window. No clouds passing over the Empire State Building but there is a trail of smoke from what appears to be a small plane passing by. The color for the lights tonight are guessed it - Red White and Blue for election day.
Today's quote is "There came into the world an unlimited abundance of everything people need. But people need everything except unlimited abundance." Author Karel Capek.
Very true a statement and well said. Yes, there is an unlimited abundance of everything we need. And yes, we do not need an unlimited abundance of everything. Contentment is a powerful trait to have.
Today's quote is "There came into the world an unlimited abundance of everything people need. But people need everything except unlimited abundance." Author Karel Capek.
Very true a statement and well said. Yes, there is an unlimited abundance of everything we need. And yes, we do not need an unlimited abundance of everything. Contentment is a powerful trait to have.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Diantie's Daily Quote - "It takes too ..."
Yesterday was a perfect day for Halloween and it did get colder last night as predicted. The children came and got their candy and we gave away all the little packages that we made. If a few more children had come, we would have been in trouble. Right now the Sun is slowing rising up to the right of the Empire State Building ; it is so bright, I can't even look outside. The colors for the lights tonight are purple, blue and yellow.
Today's quote is "It takes too much energy to be against something unless it's really important." Author Madeleine L'Engle.
I know that only too well. Yes, if something is that important to you and also to others, it is definitely worth the energy to stand up for your beliefs.
Today's quote is "It takes too much energy to be against something unless it's really important." Author Madeleine L'Engle.
I know that only too well. Yes, if something is that important to you and also to others, it is definitely worth the energy to stand up for your beliefs.
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